Monday, December 30, 2019

Interview Prep Sales and Marketing

Interview Prep Sales and MarketingInterview Prep Sales and MarketingInterview prep for abverkauf and marketing candidates getting ready for to meet potential employers. If you work in sale or marketing, odds are good that youre not worrying up a storm the night before a big job interview. Selling your skills and experience to a new company? Figuring out what theyre looking for? Thats your thing. Youve got it down. And in many ways, you probably do.Sales people tend to have more control over their own destiny, said Art Romero, managing director of Academy Recruiting in Denver. If youre a good sales person and you generate revenue, its hard to ignore your value. But this doesnt mean that even the best sales and marketing gurus dont make mistakes in interviews. Recruiters have seen it all. Recruiters warn that, quite often, the resumes of sales and marketing professionals arent optimized for their current roles.The usual resume says that I sold to so-and-so or I worked here, and its pre tty nondescript or average, said Greg Bennett, a recruiter at the Mergis Group in Cary, N.C. If youre in sales and youre not screaming about how successful you were, you probably werent beating the odds. What it should say is how much you sold and to whom and how much your percentage exceeded the quota. And you shouldnt lead off with your education its irrelevant to sales. I have got to know that you know how to sell.Sales and marketing folks are generally good at reading and persuading others. In fact, Jim Brown, president of Jim Brown Associates in San Francisco, said that hes gotten feedback that some of his candidates were almost too charming - and talked too much.I tell them, youve got two ears and one mouth so you should listen twice as much as you talk. Answer the questions that are asked of you, and dont go overboard, said Brown.Finally, it would seem unusual to remind someone in sales of their ABCs (Always Be Closing), but sometimes even the most marketable candidates forg et.You gotta remember, if youre interviewing for a sales job, one thing thats absolutely got to happen is that you ask for the order. Close the deal Brown said. The last thing you should say is that youre very interested and ask about the next step.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Cheap and Effective Advertising for Small Businesses

Cheap and Effective Advertising for Small BusinessesCheap and Effective Advertising for Small BusinessesSo, you have a small geschftsleben or have been tasked to advertise for one. But unless youre working with a company like Apple, Honda, Coors, or FedEx, you wont have millions of dollars set aside for your advertising campaigns. Most small businesses and start-ups are lucky to have a few thousand dollars to make a splash, let alone a bankroll that could feed the third world. So, what little money you have needs to be spent wisely. Think smarter, and think laterally.You have to make the most out of the ad dollars you do have, no matter how limited you are. These cost-effective ways to advertise your business give you a variety of options to choose from, especially if youre on an ad budget die. Dont let the advertising game intimidate you. There are so many opportunities out there for you to advertise your company thatdoesntinvolve thousands of dollars. If youre willing to do a littl e legwork, youll save money and find the best, inexpensive way to advertise your company. And all of them will give you a great return on your investment CreatePodcast Ads Podcast ads are easy for you to create on your own, and podcast ad time is a very reasonable buy. If you can find a popular podcast thats related to the types of products and services your company sells, sponsoring that podcast may also be a good option for you to consider. Use Remnant Advertising Think of remnant advertising in the same way as cut-price hotel rooms from a site like Hotwire. You will get a hotel room in the city of your choosing, perhaps even on the date of your choosing, and with the stars you want. But, you wont know which hotel youre staying in, how far it is from the airport, and what the amenities are around it. Utilize Your Website to Advertise Your Business Many business owners think they only need a website if they sell products online. No matter what type of company you have, you NEED a website. Potential customers hit the Internet looking for companies in their local area. If your competitors online and youre not, guess who has the advantage. Build a website thats beneficial to customers, though. You want to make a positive, lasting impression and having a poorly built Web site is a terrible way to advertise your company. Post Your Commercials on YouTube If you do have a TV commercial, get mora shelf life out of it without having to pay for more air time. YouTube is an often-overlooked advertising vehicle. It costs nothing to post your commercial on the site, and you can promote it on your own Web site so customers in your area can watch your commercial(s) online. Create Flyers and Handbills Creating your own flyer to advertise your business is simple, inexpensive, and its a great way to generate buzz about your company. If you want to make your flyer an effective advertising tool, offer incentives or discounts to people who bring in your flyer. It also gives you an informal way to track how many people are coming in just because they saw your flyer. Advertise on Cable Wait Before your eyes skip over this section, thinking its just for those who can afford aTV commercial, keep reading. You can advertise on cable through crawls, full-screen ads and above program listings. These alternative advertising methods are very affordable. Crawls can cost under $10 a day. Cross-Promote Your Business With Partners National companies partner every day because its an excellent ad tool to reach new customers and cut the advertising costs at the same time. But partnering isnt just for corporate giants. Going in with other businesses helps you save advertising money while increasing your exposure to customers. Produce a Quality Newsletter or Email A newsletter/email helps you keep in hauch with your current customers and tap into a market of potential customers. Your newsletter shouldnt be used to send ads to your customers, th ough. Use your newsletter to provide your customers with valuable information that makes you the company they remember when theyre ready to buy. Get on the Radio Dont ignore radio as a means of communication. Yes, times have changed, and it is not in the same league as it was 40 years ago. But, there are still millions of people out there listening to public radio, and ad space is cheaper than it has ever been. You can have the radio station create the ad for you (which can result in dubious quality ads), or you can hire an agency to do it for you. Theres always the option to do it yourself, too, and if you have a family-owned business with a friendly feel, your own voice can be a great selling tool. If Youre a Non-Profit, You Have Even More Options There are plenty of non-profit and not-for-profit advertising strategies and tactics that you can take advantage of. For a start, you can ask professionals to donate their services for free, or a reduced rate at the very least. T here are special services available only to non-profits, such as Facebooks Donate Now button. And the Google Ad Grants program could award you $10,000 in free advertising if you qualify. Even if youre not a non-profit, consider partnering with one to spread the word about your business and their cause at the same time. Create a Challenge or Break a Record If youve ever watched a show like Man v. Food or Bizarre Foods, you will notice that a lot of the places visited by the host have something outrageous going for them. Its eating 50 hot wings in under 30 minutes or devouring a 7-pound burrito in an hour. A challenge can spread the word about your business for free, but this clever strategy is not just applicable to eateries. If you can get creative, you can apply it to your own business. Think of a way that you could challenge your customers to do something, and get their names on a board. Or win a prize. It will go viral if its good enough.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Divorce FAQ - United States (US)

Divorce FAQ - United States (US)Divorce FAQ - United States (US)What are the advantages of an Uncontested Divorce?The most obvious advantage is that an uncontested divorce is relatively inexpensive. You and yur spouse will be able to end your marriage quickly, quietly, inexpensively, and with dignity.What if we have not agreed to all the issues of our divorce?If you and your spouse have unresolved issues, this means that you both still have some negotiating to do. You must both be patient and slowly work through your issues to come to an agreement.In instances where both of you want to have an uncontested divorce, but there are still some issues that you simply cannot work through, you may want to consider going to a mediator. Once those issues have been settled, LawDepots divorce package can help you with your uncontested divorce.When is it a bad idea to get an uncontested divorce?Couples who are in an acrimonious divorce or couples who simply cannot resolve their problems should probably avoid getting an uncontested divorce. Additionally, in situations of domestic violence, an uncontested divorce will not be a likely option because the victim will not be able to negotiate with the other spouse.Are court filing fees included?The cost of using our site for your divorce documents does not include any filing fees.How long will my divorce take?LawDepot cannot control the time it will take for the court to finalize your divorce. We would suggest that you not make plans for remarriage until the court provides you with the date your divorce will be final.Do I need an attorney?We recommend that you and/or your spouse each consult with a separate attorney if you need legal advice or have questions about your legal rights.Do you file the court papers for me?No. However, we have provided you with detailed instructions on how to file your divorce forms with the court. These step-by-step instructions clearly outline the procedures you need to follow in order to get yo ur divorce.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

3 Steps to Quit Your Job With Grace - The Muse

3 Steps to Quit Your Job With Grace - The Muse3 Steps to Quit Your Job With GraceYouve finally decided to quit your job- congratulationsMaybe you landed a great new gig and youre moving on to greener pastures. Or, maybe you hate your anfhrer and- lets be honest- cant wait to stick it to him with your two weeks notice.But whatever the situation, quitting your job can be awkward and uncomfortable- and if you dont have a clear plan of action, you might end up burning bridges and sacrificing valuable references down the road.So whatevers pushing you out the door, exit the right way with grace, class, and preparedness. If youre not aya how to make the big announcement or navigate your last two weeks, dont worry- Ive created an easy three-step plan to guide you through it.Step 1 The Set-UpFirst, set a firm date for your last day of work. Make sure to give yourself enough time to tie up any loose ends and train your replacement, if necessary. In most states, youre not required to give two f ull weeks notice- but as a professional courtesy to your co-workers and anfhrer, its a good rule of thumb.Once youve decided on your last day, compose your official resignation letter. In my experience, Ive found that less information is better- and no matter how casual your company is, err on the side of formality. (Even the most laid-back company wont appreciate a BTW, August 1 is going to be my last day schmelzglas.) Heres a sample schablone Ive usedDear Sam,This letter is to inform you of my resignation from my position as account executive for The Evans Company, effective May 29, 2013.I truly appreciate the opportunities youve provided during my time here. Thank you for your continued support and guidance. I am happy to assist in the transition process to make it as smooth as possible.Best,Allison SmithFinally, schedule a time and date for the face-to-face meeting with your boss to break the news. If youre pressed to reveal why youre calling a meeting, you can say its just a ge neral check-in- feel free to keep it vague. Then, make sure you have a printed, signed copy of your letter to hand over to make it official.Step 2 The I Quit MeetingUp until this point, the quitting process has been pretty easy You settle on a date, whip out a formal notice, and mentally picture yourself crossing that schliff line. But when it comes to actually telling your boss that youre out of there, it gets a little more intimidating.When I decided to quit my first job, I was unbelievably nervous, so naturally, I took my quandary to Google. But when I searched for what to say when you quit your job, nothing brilliant came up- because the truth is, there is no script. Until youre actually in that conversation, youll have no idea what direction the conversation will take, how much your boss will beg you to stay, and whether hell grill you on what youre doing next.But no matter how the conversation goes, its important that you dont feel guilty about moving on or feel like you need to over-explain. In fact, my mantra for my I quit meeting was simple Its not personal its business. No matter how close you are to your boss or how irreplaceable you think you are- your boss will find a new you to fill your role. Keeping this in mind will help create some distance between you and your job, making the conversation just a little easier.But to take it a step further, write down (and practice) a few talking points to start the conversation. Begin with a reason that you feel comfortable sharing, like, Ive been offered an opportunity I want to pursue, or, Im finally making the switch to full-time freelance work. And as you did in your resignation letter, pepper the conversation with gratitude (e.g., Thank you so much for all the opportunities youve given me here or Ive learned so much about the ins and outs of technical recruiting).After you say your piece, wait for your boss to respond. Of course, every situation will be different Your boss may press you about your new j ob, ask if theres anything he or she can do to keep you there, or ask you why you didnt mention anything about this before. Unfortunately, theres no script for these situations, either (believe me, I checked)- but if you feel pressured to respond, you cant go wrong with a genuine Thank you so much for this opportunity. Your employer isnt entitled to know where or why youre moving on- simply when.The more professional and respectful you keep the conversation, the easier it will be to leave your boss with a great impression- so he or she will remember the great work you did not just how you left. And down the road, if a potential employer calls your boss or you want to request a reference, youll be in the clear.Your employer isnt entitled to know where or why youre moving on- simply when.Step 3 The Last WordsAfter this meeting, as easy as it would be to check out, its important to be as helpful as possible as you finish your last few weeks. Distribute your unfinished projects to colle agues, along with sufficient descriptions of your progress so they can pick up right where you left off. If theyll need background information on certain clients or projects, forward important emails and e-introduce folks who havent worked together before. And, if you have specialized knowledge or a unique responsibility (e.g., running reports in SalesForce), create a how-to guide for whoevers taking over for you.Then, and as you prepare to leave the office for the last time (after your resignation has been officially announced), send a goodbye email to your co-workers. A short, sincere note (e.g., Its been great working with all of you Id love to stay in touch- feel free to contact me on LinkedIn or via my personal email address) will help you avoid any bridge-burning- and will keep your network strong.When it comes to leaving a job (especially a terrible one), you may be tempted to go out with a bang. But quitting with grace and professionalism- and a well-thought out plan- will h elp you infinitely more in the long run.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What to do when you dont appreciate your colleague

What to do when you dont appreciate your colleagueWhat to do when you dont appreciate your colleagueLets be honest, some people are more difficult to work with than others. There are weird people angry, irritable colleagues people with a lousy work ethic, and people we just dont understand. And appreciating these individuals can be evenmorechallenging.Let me share a few tips on communicating appreciation to a difficult colleagueDont try to fake itWhatever you do, dont try to act like you appreciate someone if you really dont.Most people have very sensitive radar when they believe others arent being genuine.You risk undermininganytrust you may have with your colleague if they dont think what you are saying or doing is authentic.Do some self-reflectionThink about some potential reasons why you have a hard time appreciating this colleague.What about them dont you like?What do they do that irritates you? If your issue with them is more of a personality or lifestyle difference, back up a step and ask, Are they getting the job done in a satisfactory manner? If the answer is yes, then you can genuinely express appreciation for them for their work even though you may be irritated by other issues.Do you have realistic expectations of that person, or do you expect more than they are capable of doing? Its possible you dont have a good understanding of their job responsibilities. Ask about the time required to do the task and/or what else is currently on their plate to accomplish. You might be able to cut them some slack and view them in a whole new light.Have you checked into the reason that may be behind why they are elend performing their job duties up to standards? They may not have sufficient materials, equipment or proper training. They may be experiencing a personal problem that may be tapping all of their reserves and may be just getting by. They may have a physical problem such as chronic pain or a new medication that is presenting challenges in the workplace that may not be readily apparent. There may be some accommodations that can be made, such as working remotely or upgrading their equipment that could be the boost they need.Consider characteristics not directly related to work performanceThe core component that leads to appreciation is valuing something about the other person.Sometimes, we can value characteristics that arent necessarily productive but helpful (having a positive, cheerful demeanor staying calm in stressful situations).Additionally, there are aspects of a persons life outside of work that we may value - having the self-discipline to train for a half-marathon being a single parent who is deeply committed to their children.Call attention to these characteristics as a start.Get to know them a little bit betterValuing someone is difficult when you dont really know much about him or her.Often, finding out something about their personal history enables you to understand them more.And getting to know a bit more about their hob bies and life outside of work can lead to some areas of connection.Interestingly, fruchtwein of us have different people who are challenging for each of us.(That is, Stephanie might really grate your nerves while she and I get along fine, but Kurt irritates me by just walking in the room while he creates no struggles for you).So, the issue is really aninteraction effectrather than the fact that they are a terrible person.Even though some people are ogres, in reality, most arent.And although you may have a colleague that rubs you the wrong way, resist putting them in the Dont Appreciate Them basket - where the chances are high that you wont ever sayanythingpositive to them.Try the tips above and see if you cant findsomethingyou can appreciate them for.(Rememberyoumay be the difficult to appreciate colleague for some of your colleagues)This article first appeared on Appreciation at Work.

Friday, December 6, 2019

What You Need to Do About How to Write a Job Resume Starting in the Next 20 Minutes

What You Need to Do About How to Write a Job Resume Starting in the Next 20 Minutes Possessing a very clear and professional resume is important in the medical field. If youre attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Attempt to discover what the typical salary is for that sort of position so you arent asking for a salary thats too low or too large. Even entry-level positions take a particular set of qualifications. How to Write a Job Resume Features Before you commence adding job descriptions to your resume, you might want to earn a list of accomplishments at every one of your jobs. The medical industry can be quite competitive. As soon as youve proofread your resume, you are going to be prepared to apply for jobs. Its possible that forfirst job resumes, its not essential for the applicant to have a thorough cover letter. However, it cannot go amiss when it has to do with applying for work. Job seekers deserve to locate decent con tent quickly. When you have to compose a job resume, its important to start with a career objective. You may learn to compose a resume for employment. As a way to compose a job resume, you must keep in mind the job which you intend to enter. Finding the Best How to Write a Job Resume Working part-time is extremely popular among them, and they often decide to work in retail or hospitality. Creating a resume can be extremely stressful experience. Possessing the knowledge to compose a resume is among the most crucial career skills you might have in 2019. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. A testimonial is another excellent way to demonstrate your skill and experience is what the employer is searching for. For lots of people, a resume is off-putting as they dont think that they have any appropriate experience nor do they know how to approach it. You have to get clear on the kind of job, the industries you need to work in, the degree of job you would like to go after, style of company culture, other factors which you might value. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. Whatever They Told You About How to Write a Job Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why Well it is all dependent on whether the job posting instructions specify a specific format. You are going to realize that there are 3 types of format used generally employed for resumes. If you opt to go with the resume template youll have found a means to conserve time however, you may have chosen to use a process that many different applicants are using as well and you may discover that the formatting is a bit too restricting. A resume template is next as filing in the various sections lowers the time that it would take to consider through the resume from scratch. An excellent cover letter will work with you to receive your foot in the door and deliver you the very best chance at obtaining a position with any company. You do nt need to include your house address, though there may be some situations when doing so would be wise. When you have written a work description, start looking for strategies to create your explanation mora concise. A wonderful bit of final advice is to continue to keep things simple. You may also opt to have someone close to you read over it to make certain it is good. The very last thing you would like is for your resume to let you down when youre actually the best suited pick for the job. Most people today look at writing a resume as just something youve got to do to have a job. What You Dont Know About How to Write a Job Resume A superb editing job will take a small longerand some particular tactics intended to catch resume errors. After you fill in all of the info in the blank resume form, or as much as possible, you have to begin making a reasonable copy of your resume. It is essential that you have all of the info you need before you commence writing, not just because i t is going to help you save you time but also because it will enable you to concentrate on managing them in creating your resume. Use the checklist to ensure you have included all appropriate data in your resume. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About How to Write a Job Resume Create a new expert email address for those who have a novelty email address At the other times you want to get a cover letter. A cover letter should be all geschftlicher umgang enterprise. Writing a cover letter may appear to be a challenging job.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Buffer Remote Team Meetups

Buffer Remote Team Meetups Below is an article originally written by Stephanie Lee at PowerToFly Partner Buffer, and published on January 7, 2019. Go to Buffers page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn more.Experimentation and iteration lie at the heart of a lot of things we do at Buffer. If youve been following the Open Blog for some time, or even if youve just popped by (hey there), you might notice that we reflect on remote work a lot.ur remote setup enables ur distributed gruppe to work wherever theyre happiest and that freedom is a much-valued perk that Buffer gruppemates enjoy. Our employees feel trusted to be in control of their job, and for us, we enjoy less overhead and the benefit of hiring without the confines of geography.Were always looking for new ways to improve the remote work experience for our distributed kollektiv and remote kollektiv meetups, which we call On-Sites, are proving to be invaluable supplements to our remote setup. It probably sounds a tad ironic at this point to rely on On-Sites when we believe so strongly in remote work but hear me out.Why host remote team meetups if youre fully remote?While we wouldnt trade the value of being a distributed team, its hard to deny the value of face time for team morale and serendipitous connections. Nine annual retreats (and the thousands of hugs exchanged) have shown us exactly how precious our time spent together is, and prompted the idea for smaller remote team meetups.While the People team continually experiments with ways to cultivate that sense of serendipity across timezones, theres no replacing the warmth of a real hug or the joy you get from watching a smile spread across someones face and light up their eyes without the filter of a camera lens. Real human interaction with those that we spend our days collaborating and creating with is key to our remote team meetups.As the team grows in size, annual retreats are increasingly focused on team culture and company-level st rategy in fact, one of our key retreat objectives is to maximize team bonding opportunities throughout retreat week. This leaves little time for heads-down collaboration within the team.Furthermore, although our remote team is fully-equipped to work together across time and space throughout the year on both day-to-day tasks and high-level strategic planning, the sense of isolation that comes from waiting a whole year to meet your team face-to-face can make things more challenging than they have to be.Its not that we cant have behauptung high-level, strategic discussions remotely. Rather, its the invigorating effect that the dedicated team meetups have that excites us and inspires us to carve out a space for the saatkorn collaboration in our day-to-day.To gain that interpersonal connection that drives our every day work, On-Sites are our solution. Our customer advocacy team at an on-site in Miami (2018).What are On-Sites?We introduced these in-person, w ork-focused team meetups in 2017 to supplement the annual retreat and havent looked back. With the annual retreat happening in Q2 and On-Sites mostly planned for Q3 or Q4, weve found that theres enough face time to maintain that sense of connection between coworkers over the year.On-sites carve out the space to be intentional about high-level matters each team/area wants to tackle. Its often easy to get carried away with the day-to-day theres always one more email to reply to, one more expense report to clear, one more pull request to review On-Sites give us that blocked off time to be fully present to each other. They give us the opportunity to work on foundational things that align us as a team and things that help make the day-to-day a touch smoother and more cogent.How we design On-SitesIn my previous professional life as a teacher, I often designed lessons with the end in mind. What is the outcome Id like to achieve here? This approach informs much of how we design On-Sites at Buffer. We begin with the intended outcomes of the remote team meetups and figure out the rest from there.Outcomes such as whos attending and what the purpose of the On-Site is help crystallize further details such as where the On-Site is held and how long it will be. While we did not prescribe a fixed number of days for the On-Sites this year, many teams decided on 3 full work days bookended by 2 travel days. High-level vision and strategy discussions can be energizing and draining all at once and it feels like 3 days welches just right for most teams to power through all the topics while managing their energies and getting some team bonding time in. This duration also preserves weekends for family time before and after this week-long business tripOnce we had the broad details locked down, the rest of the details fell into place. We reviewed our learnings from mini-retreats in 2017 and introduced a few new guidelines to make planning a little smoother all aroundFor meal expenses, we defaulted to putting large charges on company credit cards and working out a per diem for each On-Site. The amount varied depending on which city the team welches headed to as well as further details like whether breakfast was included in our lodging arrangements.Given the intensity of a 3-day hackweek of sorts, we also strongly encouraged teams to search for lodging options that afforded everyone their own personal space at the end of the day. Although recommending a private bedroom and bathroom for each person limited options a fair bit, this guideline has generally been well-received Breathing room at the end of a jagdbeute workday is always welcome.All remote team meetups had a main planner who collaborated with a People team member (thats me) to make the event happen. The On-Site owner and I either co-planned the meetup or they planned the entire event on their own while I remained available to consult about key decisions along the way.We kept these remote team meetup discus sions separate from the day-to-day by creating temporary Slack channels for each event. This made sure that On-Site specific decisions were attended to in their own space without disrupting the day-to-day discussion in teams (and vice versa).As with annual retreats, we made in-person attendance optional this year. Teammates may find travel challenging for a variety of reasons and some of these challenges could be overcome by taking the On-Site directly to those teammates (e.g. the Mobile team headed to Missouri to be closer to Jordan who had just come back from family leave, and the People/Finance team met in Portland where Nicole lives). When that was not an option, we experimented with variations of virtual and in-person meetings.Heres what our On-Sites looked like in 2018This year we tried every possible permutation of team meetups100% in-person (e.g. Data, People/Finance, Mobile, Analyze, Publish)Partially virtual, partially in-person (e.g. Advocacy, Marketing, Product, Core)100 % virtual (e.g. Executives)Each of these had its merits and challenges, and were learning as we go along. Here are some quick reflections on how each of these types of remote team meetups went100% in-personAlthough these were tricky with some teammates flying a full day to be present at the On-Sites, meetups with full in-person attendance had arguably the smoothest experience once everyone had arrived and settled in. Groups either worked from a coworking space near the hotel, or in the case of the People/Finance team, worked out of the living room of a serviced apartment. Having everyone located in the same physical space made it easy to adapt the agenda as the days shaped up. Starting and ending the work day together also helped everyone feel fully involved in major decisions that were made or touched on.On the other hand, expecting teammates to take a full week out of their lives to travel to (sometimes) faraway destinations for a 3-day meeting can be a tall order. It was especial ly challenging for folks who had to skip several timezones in order to do that long-distance travel can be physically demanding and some teammates only fully acclimatized to the timezone changes towards the end of the week.This also may not be the most inclusive option for teammates who face more challenges around business travel or travel in general. This is something we are continually reflecting on.100% virtualFully virtual On-Sites, like the Executives hyper-focused 2-day series of Zoom calls, also went rather well with everyone located in the same virtual space. Much like the first option, having a clear start and end to the work discussions was helpful, and having everyone located in the same space, albeit virtual, made it easier to adjust to updates to the agenda.A key learning we had from the very first People/Finance On-Site back in 2017 was the importance of determining what a workday might look like for virtual meetups like this. When you have people calling in from diff erent timezones, the reasonable overlap can be quite small, and the agenda needs to be adjusted accordingly. For instance, as an APAC team member, it was quite difficult for me to attend the first 2017 People/Finance On-Site virtually as we have a 13- to 15-hour timezone difference across our team. The solution then was to fly me to a closer timezone to make the remote team meetup possible and it worked really wellOne thing that we could do a better job in for fully virtual meetups, though, is being mindful of the need for breaks. When everyone is located in the same physical space, its easy to spot signs of fatigue on a teammates face and its also relatively straightforward to schlpfer out of a meeting for a quick break. When you have a webcam focused on your face all-day, though, it can feel a little more difficult to slip out for a quick breather.Partially virtual, mostly in-personWe worked with the partial model in a bid to accommodate each teammates needs around time away from home and its really the only possible model for teams with folks who are quite unable to travel. Just as companies with a partially remote workforce face challenges that fully remote teams escape, we found that this model had greater demands than the first two and called for a more deliberate and mindful approach.For starters, being mindful of designating work hours that take multiple timezones into consideration is especially key to be considerate for teammates calling in from different regions. Teams that went with this model also had to navigate the tricky experience of spontaneous after-hour conversations that happen when the team is kicking back and relaxing. These tend to happen serendipitously and can be super fun However, virtual teammates miss out on this vital benefit of the meetup. Ensuring that the virtual attendees feel involved in the whole On-Site experience is important.Looking back, it felt like we were most-equipped to collaborate at maximum efficiency when the On- Site was fully virtual over video calls or when everyone was physically present in the same space for that week. Managing a partial in-person team experience, on the other hand, is something thats mucksmuschenstill quite new to us and we see much room for improvement there. It would be fantastic to learn from other companies who have grappled with meetups of this nature too. Buffer teammates working together in person (one of the few times each year were together IRL)In true Buffer fashion, its time to iterateLooking ahead to 2019, here are some nascent reflections the People team has about the future of On-Sites1. How we can be more strategic with On-Site planning?This year, most of the planning was undertaken by teammates or area leads who had to make things happen in addition to their day-to-day responsibilities. Thats a lot of heavy lifting We also found that working independently to plan these On-Sites led to some missed opportunities to streamlin e travel for some folks. (Our CTO, Dan, attended a grand total of three On-Sites this year Thanks for your dedication, Dan)Next year, we intend to shift most of the logistics and planning responsibilities to the People team so each area lead can focus on setting the agenda and high-level objectives together for their teams meetup. With a birds-eye view of all the On-Sites that need to happen in 2019, the People team is toying with different ideas such asHaving an On-Site month/season where all the remote team meetups happen around the same time and the day-to-day isnt disruptedConversely, spacing out the On-Sites to alleviate the travel demands on those teammates that need to travel to two or more remote team meetups seems like a viable option as well.2. What are our expectations around travel to remote team meetups?This reflection mostly centers around questions of whether attendance is truly optional for all folks on the team. Is it, say, really an option for a teammate in a faraw ay timezone to attend one virtually? And does the immense value of having team leads present in person make virtual attendance a non-option for them? How optional are we willing to make On-Sites next year? Were still ruminating on these questions and its hard to say for sure what well decide3. How can we be more mindful of the experience for teammates who cannot physically be present at On-Sites?Regardless of where we land on the previous question, it remains a reality in our diverse team that some teammates will not be able to attend On-Sites. I see it as one of our key responsibilities on the People team to never stop thinking of ways we can increase the quality of the experience for virtual attendees of On-Sites. Whether its introducing guidelines around asynchronous communication during that week, or providing equipment to encourage a more consistent or robust experience for virtual participants. Theres plenty more we can doWith so much to chew on, were incredibly excited to sta rt crafting the On-Site experience for the Buffer team next year. As always, candid feedback from the team on what went well and what needs improvement has been immensely valuable and were grateful to folks for taking the time to share their thoughts.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Use of Napalm as a Weapon in Combat

The Use of Napalm as a Weapon in CombatThe Use of Napalm as a Weapon in CombatA flammable liquid used in warfare, napalm has been used by the United States military since World War II. The U.S. welches the first country to use napalm in warfare and is one of the few to still use it against enemy targets. Napalm gets its name from two of the main chemicals in its composition naphthenic acid and palmitic acid. It sticks to skin and results in catastrophic burns for its victims, especially when it catches fire. The use of napalm against civilian targets was outlawed by the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons in 1980, but the U.S. continues to use it as a weapon against military targets History and Background Harvard University chemist Louis Fieser developed napalm in 1942. It was first used by the U.S. against Japan during World War II to burn buildings and as an anti-personnel weapon (meaning it was used on people). The U.S. continued to use napalm during the Korean and Vietnam wars, to devastating effect. The famous Vietnam War photo Napalm Girl shows a group of screaming children running away from a napalm attack where many of them suffered serious burns.Although made differently than in the past, napalm is still used by the U.S. military in combat operations. New Composition Introduced Modern napalm is known as Napalm B. It is distinctly different than the napalm used inVietnam and World War II. Napalm B is made of different chemicals than the napalm of the past. However, despite its different characteristics, Napalm B is often referred to by military personnel simply as napalm. Napalm B is usually comprised of plastic polystyrene and hydrocarbon benzene. These compounds combine to form jellied gasoline, which is extremely flammable and hot when ignited. Napalm B is much easier to control and manage when ignited than previous forms of napalm, which was so flammable that it often caught on fire when soldiers smoked cigarettes near it. Napalm B is sometimes called Super Napalm as it burns much longer than older versions of the agent. It can burn for as long as 10 minutes, whereas older versions of napalm often burned for less than 30 seconds. Napalm as an Incendiary Weapon Napalm B is known as an incendiary weapon as it can cause fire, explosions, and severe burns. It can also lead to asphyxiation in people who are close to the detonation point, as well as winds that have reached 70 miles per hour. Napalm is unique in that it often sticks to the skin of people and is hard to remove even when it is burning. Napalm B is typically used to destroy enemy positions such as bunkers, foxholes, trenches, and shelters. One discharge of Napalm B from a low-level military plane can destroy an area of 2,500 square yards. And despite the prohibition of its use against civilians, international law does not prevent the use of napalm against military targets.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

When You Can Take a Vacation at a New Job - The Muse

When You Can Take a Vacation at a New Job - The MuseWhen You Can Take a Vacation at a New Job We all have crazy thoughts when starting a new job Do I have to tell my boss when I go to the bathroom? Will people think my leftovers are too weird of a lunch? Should I wave when people walk by my desk? No, better to just smile. Never mind, smilings creepy, just stare at your computer and dont make eye contact.But some of those questions about new job etiquette are actually valid- things like how to act around the office, what to wear, and when its respectable to take breaks. After all, they can mean the difference between having an awesome reputation and a horrible one.One of the biggest questions I had when I first started was when I could take a vacation. Sure, The Muse has an unlimited vacation policy, and my boss never mentioned I needed to wait six months- but I also know that its common courtesy when it comes to being the newbie. To get a few more guidelines, I reached out to HR expe rt and Muse career coach Arik Orbach.His response?The general rule of thumb is likely to wait around three to six months. However, it strongly depends on the organization and their culture.He went on to explain that many companies clearly dictate what their vacation policy is. Some have you accrue more and more time-off the longer youre there. Others may have a probationary period for when youre being trained and must be in the office.But the reason he suggests that three-to-six-month timeframe is because at the end of the day, it just doesnt look good to ship off before then. Not to mention, youre more likely to miss key onboarding information.That said, a lot of this depends on your wertmiger zuwachs from the get-go. If youre not plektroning things up quickly or still being heavily monitored by your boss, its probably not the best time to ask. But, as Orbach states, An employee who can hit on all tasks and deadlines and is demonstrating great progress is more apt to being granted time off because they trust you to get the job done no matter what, and they want to keep you happy.Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. For example, if youre getting married three weeks into your new role, your boss is probably not going to decline your request. However, Orbach suggests, its better to get these kinds of things squared away before you accept the job offer This could also apply to any planned vacations where trips have been prepaid already. Of course, you dont always have the luxury of knowing ahead of time if something serious comes up that you need to take time off for. If you have a parent become suddenly ill, for example, your manager would likely be understanding, versus lets say, an impromptu vacation to the Caribbean.So youve read all this and think youre qualified for some RR- how do you make the ask?First, says Orbach, you have to think about the impact your absence will have. Youre not going to make friends with your colleagues if they have t o pick up your slack after barely knowing you. So, its best to build a good rapport with your team first before putting in the request.Then, figure out if you can meet all your deadlines before your vacation. If you come to your boss prepared with a timeline for how youll get everything done, theyre more likely to say yes.Finally, consider what youll miss while youre gone. Is this a busy time for your organization? Are there any big meetings happening? If your vacation comes at a tough time for business (and thus leaves your boss and team with a lot of work to do without you), it may be worth putting it off until the slower season. The last thing Ill say is that every new employee needs to put in their time. I fully believe in self-care and taking time off for yourself- so if youre starting to burn out, by all means take a personal day if you can. But itll make you look so much better and gain you so much more respect if you show up every day and kick some butt for a few months stra ight. I didnt end up taking a long vacation until I was a year into my role. While I probably couldve left sooner, the trip was that much more rewarding because Id truly earned it (and bonus, because Id built my boss trust, she insisted I completely unplug.)So, long story short, use all your vacation days- its good for your career in the long run- just maybe wait a few months before you start. Trust us, itll be worth it.

ECLIPSE Interns Continue the Put-A-Smile Effort in Puerto Rico

ECLIPSE Interns Continue the Put-A-Smile Effort in Puerto Rico ECLIPSE Interns Continue the Put-A-Smile Effort in Puerto Rico ECLIPSE Interns Continue the Put-A-Smile Effort in Puerto RicoStudents from the Aurora Mendez Charneco Elementary School in Puerto Rico enjoy the gesundheitsgefhrdender stoff bags sent to them by the 2017-2018 ASME Early Career Leadership Intern Program to Serve Engineering (ECLIPSE) interns as part of the Put-A-Smile initiative.Earlier this year, the 2017-2018 class of ASME Early Career Leadership Intern Program to Serve Engineering (ECLIPSE) interns, inspired by the efforts of group of ASME members in California, decided to attempt to lift the spirits of school children in Puerto Rico, which is still slowly recovering from the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria last fall.Spearheaded by ASME members and ECLIPSE interns Jonathan Jennings, Kushi Sellahennedige and Joseph Radisek, theirs was the second activity in the Put-A-Smile endeavor, a grassroots ASME member initiative to bring cheer to children affected by last years hurricanes in Texas and Puerto Rico. As previously reported in ASME News, several ASME members of the Orange County, Santa Clara Valley and Los Angeles Sections in California launched the program last fall when they sent gift bags to students at Lobit Elementary School in Dickinson, Texas, a community that was hit especially hard last summer by Hurricane Harvey, which flooded approximately 90 percent of homes in the area. William Rios and Andrea Nemesszeghy of the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (UPRM) Campus ASME chapter spoke to the elementary school students about STEM-related careers during their ASME Links presentation at Aurora Mendez Charneco Elementary School.After hearing about the Put-A-Smile activity in California, Jennings and his fellow ECLIPSE interns began planning one of their own. Jennings coordinated the effort, while Sellahennedige took on fundraising responsibilities, collecting a total of more than $300 from an office fundraiser she organized along with donations from Jennings and ECLIPSE secretary Joseph Radisek. Jennings, his daughter and some of her neighborhood friends packed the gift bags, which were filled with an assortment of candy and toy airplane gliders for the kids and accompanied with supplies for a spaghetti bridge-building activity that would introduce the students to some of the principles of engineering and science. Jennings, a longtime rocket enthusiast, also included rocket-building kits that the students could assemble and launch under the supervision of a teacher.Eduardo Morales Rivera, who was president of the ASME student chapter at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus at the time, agreed to distribute the packages after being contacted about the project through his student chapters Facebook page. Rivera and the ECLIPSE interns eventually selected the Aurora Mendez Charneco Elementary School as the distribution policy to di stribute the bags during a special STEM presentation that would be led by two of the chapters student members, Andrea Nemesszeghy, marketing chief for the UPRM ASME chapter, and William Rios, the chapters academics chief. During their interactive presentation, titled ASME Links, the two student members discussed pursuing degrees and careers in STEM-related fields. Nemesszeghy and Rios then guided the children through a lively exercise in which the children constructed bridges out of spaghetti and then tested the strength of their creations by placing scissors on them. Aurora Mendez Charneco Elementary School students secure the bridge they created out of spaghetti during the school visit from members of the UPRM ASME chapter in January.Rivera believes that in addition to lightening the spirits of the students, the Put-A-Smile packages combined with the presentation had a bigger, hopefully lasting impact because it presented science and engineering concepts to students who may not have been otherwise introduced to them.In fact, by the end of the bridge-building activity, many of the students were announcing that they wanted to become engineers, scientists, astronauts, innovators or involved in other science-related professions, Rivera said. They were very excited with the activity, he said, adding that the teachers were so pleased with the students response, they have asked Rivera and his fellow student members to return. The teachers that helped us out were very thankful for bringing this kind of joy back to the school and to the children that had suffered so much with the after-effects of the hurricane. I think it is important because it creates a loop of information with us, the soon-to-be professionals, the teachers, and the students the professionals of the future. By doing so, he said, we not only ensure a better future but the kids are left with the impression that no matter the situation, everything is possible. Eduardo M orales Rivera of the UPRM ASME chapter (right) joins Andrea Nemesszeghy during the ASME Links presentation.Jennings, who also found the project to be a rewarding experience, observed that while the year-long term for him and his fellow ECLIPSE interns would be ending soon, the Put-A-Smile project could be something that the next class of ECLIPSE interns may choose to continue. In addition, members of ASME sections and student sections may also want to consider organizing their own Put-A-Smile-inspired project as one of their sections activities.ASME members or student members who are interested should contact Jonathan Jennings at, ECLIPSE intern Joseph Radisek at, or Michael Roy of the Group Engagement Committee at